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UC Teachers-Dyer Complex

CLIENT: University of Cincinnati

LOCATION: Cincinnati, OH

SCOPE: Master Plan through Construction

STATUS: Construction Completed 2016

AWARDS: LEED Silver Certification, Ohio Chapter of ASLA Award of Merit, 2018, Landscape Architect Managzine: June 2018

PHOTO CREDITS: Wes Battoclette, Human Nature

Human Nature worked with Champlin Architects and the University of Cincinnati to develop a site master plan for Teachers College/Dyer Hall. The master plan includes design concepts for a large courtyard space in the heart of the building complex and a series of smaller sub-spaces around the periphery of the building. The central courtyard offers a large gathering space that encourages social interaction for a variety of group sizes, provides multiple opportunities for outdoor classrooms, defines a meditation garden, and provides visual and physical access to the building entrance from the campus main street. Other designed spaces/elements include an improved entrance and courtyard on the eastern side of the building, and a reforested “ravine” landscape along the south side of the building. In addition to bringing the college’s educational mission into the landscape, the site includes several places for public art. LEED certification was the goal for the building, and the site played a significant role in achieving this goal.

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