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SD1 Regional Green Infrastructure Program

CLIENT: Northern Kentucky Sanitation District Number 1

LOCATION: Ft. Wright, KY

SCOPE: Planning Through Construction

STATUS: Master Plan Completed 2009

AWARDS: I-75 Terraced Reforestation: American Council of Engineering Companies Engineering Excellence Award 2014

Human Nature worked with Strand Associates, Inc. to design a series of comprehensive green infrastructure plans for the three-county Northern Kentucky region. The green infrastructure plans outlined strategies for reducing the frequency and volume of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in Northern Kentucky’s highly-urbanized combined sewer system, and identified ways for creating sustainable neighborhoods and communities by enhancing, restoring, and connecting Northern Kentucky’s natural systems to built environments. Key elements in the scope of work included a comprehensive GIS inventory and analysis phase; identification of green infrastructure opportunities and selection of green demonstration projects; development of a regional green infrastructure plan; and support on revising development regulations throughout the service area. The green infrastructure plans and recommendations were included in SD1’s Watershed Plan, a requirement under the Consent Decree with the U.S. EPA. Green projects from the regional plan are currently being designed and built to demonstrate the effectiveness of green infrastructure controls for CSO control in SD1’s service area. One notable project is Terraced Reforestation of Interstate Right-of-Way project, located along the east side of Interstate 71/75 in Covington and completed in 2011. The site covers approximately 8 acres of open space hillside, and is part of a larger 17-acre drainage area. The plan contains more than 4,700 feet of terraced berms that capture and infiltrate stormwater runoff from adjacent land areas and the interstate, and will reduce approximately 3.1 million gallons of annual CSO volume. This project illustrates how stormwater best management practices (BMPs) can be seamlessly woven into existing site conditions while maintaining the functional and aesthetic goals of the project.

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