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Quebec Heights - Glenway Woods

CLIENT: Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati

LOCATION: Cincinnati, OH

SCOPE: Master Planning Through Construction

STATUS: Completed 2019

Human Nature collaborated with Strand Associates to design a naturalistic open channel conveyance system within the 30-acre Glenway Woods nature preserve, sized to convey tributary surface runoff along this wooded corridor as well as separated storm water flows from priority separation areas throughout the adjoining neighborhood. The concept includes sealing of existing inlets to the existing combined sewer main located within the ravine, as well as a wetland detention/ bioinfiltration feature located in the heart of the preserve. Careful attention to the sensitive forest environment was of paramount concern for the team, which stressed the importance of minimizing disturbance to the site during construction. To ensure the success of the preserve’s reforestation and stabilization, native plant species were selected to meet the unique conditions found on site and blend seamlessly into the surrounding landscape.

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